When is a rating on Google inadmissible?
Time and again, the question arises as to when a rating on Google is inadmissible. The most recent judgement of the Schleswig-Holstein Higher Regional Court of 16.2.2022 (Ref.: 9
Time and again, the question arises as to when a rating on Google is inadmissible. The most recent judgement of the Schleswig-Holstein Higher Regional Court of 16.2.2022 (Ref.: 9
General terms and conditions (GTC) are a plethora of pre-formulated contractual conditions. These are usually of little interest to the customer and in online shops they are quickly clicked
If someone has stolen and used your photo, compensation depends on two crucial factors: Whether you are a professional photographer and exactly how the photo is used. Stolen photo
The journalist Christian Noe conducted a lengthy interview with me. It was published in the magazine Anwaltspraxis. We talked about current developments in the music business, artist contracts and
The parents must jointly agree to the publication of photos of their children. This was determined by the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf in a recently published decision (Ref.: